Getting My Tickets

Where can I find my Ticket Collection Reference?
When you buy Self Service Tickets online you will be given a Ticket Reference which you need when collecting your tickets. This reference is displayed: ...
How soon after making a booking can I collect my Self Service Tickets?
The tickets will be ready for collection at the station 15 mins from purchase.  Please remember to take with you the credit/debit card used to make the book...
How do I collect my tickets from a Self Service Ticket Machine?
Tickets are ready to pick up 15 mins after completing your booking. Self Service Ticket Machines are located at most mainline stations. For collection, ple...
Can I have my tickets delivered to a different address from my billing address?
Yes. When you book you will be asked for your billing address (this is the address to which your card is registered). You can then choose to have your ticke...