Tickets and Travel

Do I have enough time to transfer between trains?
We only display tickets with estimated transfer times already taken into consideration.  The times we use are based on recommendations by the rail industry ...
Can I break my journey?
Whether you are permitted to break your journey depends on the ticket type. In general more flexible tickets such as an Anytime ticket will allow a break of...
Travel assistance for disabled passengers
Customers who require assistance when travelling should contact the Train Operator of the journey. Information on the service offered by each Train Oper...
How can I find out details about a station?
A comprehensive list of station facilities is available at Here you can find information on: Lost property Contact...
How can I find out if there are engineering works affecting travel?
" Engineering work is planned well in advance and the information provided at the time of purchasing your train tickets should be up to date.   There...
How can I plan my journey on the London Underground?
" A useful source of information is the London Underground web site where they have maps and journey planning facilities Plea...
Can I purchase a ticket for the London Underground online?
A London Underground ticket will be included with your booking if part of your journey involves using the Underground between stations, or if you type in ‘ ...
At what times can I use the London Peak and Off-Peak Day Travelcards?
Day Travelcard (Peak) Can be used all day Monday to Friday, on the day of validity and for any journey that starts before 04:30 the following day. On publi...
Which routes offer Sleeper services?
Sleepers are available on line on selected routes and times. Please vist our booking tool to see if they are available for your journey.
How do I contact a train company?
There are 25 train companies providing domestic services in the UK. If you would like to contact one of them with a specific enquiry their details can be fo...